How To Nail Your Next Interview
Make a Good Impression and Land the Gig
Do you have an upcoming interview that you’d like to do well at? Whether it’s for an internal promotion, a new career opportunity, or you’re representing your company on mass media, Sarge Leather can help you nail your next big interview, easily. Here’s a few pro tips.

Be On Time
No one is interested in excuses, even if they are good ones, and to make a good initial impression, you’ll want it to appear that this is the only thing on your schedule that matters today. No matter what happens in the rest of the interview, if you aren’t on time, your interviewer assumes two things, 1. They can expect you to always be late, and 2. Their time wasn’t valuable to you. We recommend showing up early to familiarize yourself with the space and show them that you respect their time.

Do Your Research and Ask Questions
To do well at anything in life, it pays to do your research. For an interview, research the job description and the company you’re interviewing for. If you can, prepare a plan of what you would do if you were already in the position you’ve applied for. Prepare thoughtful questions that showcase the fact that you did your research and that you are already invested in the company. Avoid asking questions that were answered in the job posting or are readily available public knowledge.

Create a Strong First Impression
You only get one chance to cultivate a first impression, make it count. A few things you can do include be authentically and genuinely you, engage in positive small talk, dress to impress, and carry genuine leather work products including briefcase, messenger bag, and portfolio. People want to feel at ease around you and get to know you beyond your resume and skills. Handmade leather products show your knack for high-quality investments and practicality — and make a fine ice breaker!

Once you’ve nailed the initial interview, you’ll want to follow-up! Sending a thank you email a day or two after the interview lets the interviewer know that you are interested and that you respect their time. Sending a follow-up email or phone call puts you back in the mind of the receiver and may give you the competitive edge over other candidates. If the next steps have been laid out for you, follow-up if you haven’t heard back. Do so respectfully, of course, assuming positive intent.
Interviews are important meetings that help us reach the next level or milestone. Whether you are interviewing internally with people you’ve known for decades or walking into the studio to give a broadcast interview, these tips will help you succeed and get the most out of the experience for both you and the interviewers. For more quality leather products and professional tips, visit Sarge Leather online today!